Rules & Regulations


1.  Attendance at all lecture/lab/workshop sessions is compulsory and regularity of attendance is strictly insisted upon. Any trainee who comes late after the attendance has been marked, or who misses any class (lecture, practical) will be treated as absent on that particular day and will be marked accordingly in the attendance register.
2.  Every trainee will have to put in 80% in each subject of minimum attendance (calculated as a percentage of the number or working days scheduled for instruction including internal test & examinations) to be eligible to appear the external examinations conducted by NCVT.      Such candidate whose attendance fails short of the prescribed minimum will not be permitted to appear at the examinations even if their forms have been forwarded earlier by the institute.
3.  The certificate course trainees do not have any vacations and are allowed only 12 days Casual leave in any year. Besides, the Institute also observes certain holidays according to the Institute calendar Apart from these holiday/causal leave, the trainees are required to be consistently regular and so other leave is normally allowed except in very emergent situation or sickness.
Such leave will be granted only on specific request by the parent/registered guardian. That must either apply in own handwriting or countersign the leave application. The application must be submitted and got sanctioned before the leave applied for is availed, otherwise it will be treated as unauthorized absence.
Leave for sickness must be endorsed by a duly qualified registered medical practitioner and in case of serious sickness requiring leave for more than 3 days by the Medical Officer of a Govt. hospital under his seal.
4.  Absence without authorized leave is viewed very seriously. A fine of Rs. 2/- per day is imposed for each of absence without authorized leave. Moreover, the name of a student/trainee who is absents without sanctioned leave will be removed from the rolls of the Institute in the following cases.
(i) Continuous absence (including absence due to coming late or due to missing class without permission) for 5 days or more.
(ii) Total absence of 10 days in a month on any account including leave other than on acceptable medical grounds.
(iii) If the attendance of a candidate, counted cumulatively, falls short of 60% any subject at any time due to absence with or without leave. Names of such students/trainees will be taken back on rolls only under very special circumstances, at the sole discretion of the Principal, on payment of a readmission fee.
5.  It is obligatory for every trainee to attend the special / extra remedial classes arranged from time to time, as also all functions arranged/organized by the Institute or the Trust officially for all students.
Absence from any such class, function will be treated as unauthorized absence from the Institute and will be liable to be punished in accordance with clause 4 above.
1.  Evaluation in various certificate courses is done on cumulative basis and consists of external examinations, and internal assessment & test. Every student is required to pass separately in the external as well as internal evaluation.
2.  External examinations for final year are held at the end of year in Final year by the NCVT for all certificate courses, and consist of theory examination (written) & Practical examination.
3.  Internal assessment is done by the Institute cumulatively on the basis of test, assignment & workshop records, spread over the entire session both for theory as well as practical work. Monthly test is conducted for the theory part and Practical test depends on the nature of the course.
Every trainee must take all such test and must complete all assignments, theoretical as well as practical. Failure to appear at any test or to submit any assignment in time will result in proportionate reduction in marks.
4.  The subjects  of  examination (internal as well as external),  the  details of  question  papers, practical test etc. and the specific weight age given to each as also the minimum marks required for a pass are given in the relevant syllabi prescribed for various courses.
1.  A student, after getting confirmed admission is not supposed to leave the Institute. However, he may withdraw his name form the institute, but fees once deposited will not be refunded in any circumstances.
2.  A seat is normally kept in subsequent years for every student admitted to the Institute. Therefore, if a student does not rejoin any subsequent year without giving prior notice, he/she will have to pay full fees of the year.
3.  If a student leaves the Institute without giving due prior notice or without clearing his/her dues, the Caution Money will stand forfeited and no certificate of any short will be issued to him/her, beside necessary legal action against him/her, for realization of dues.
1.  The name of a student will be removed from the rolls of the Institute in the following Cases:
i)  Indiscipline serious breach of institute rules, participating/instigating strike, or any act unbecoming of a student, inside or outside the institute.
ii) Causing willful damage to institute property or an attempt to cause such damage.
iii) Unauthorized absence (defined elsewhere) or failure to keep pace with the class in studies or to complete prescribed assignments.
iv) Cheating in test/examinations or giving false statements in records.
v)  All cases where the Principal is convinced that continuation of the student in the Institute is detrimental to the interest of the other students or the Institute.
2.  A student whose name has been removed from the rolls of the Institute may be readmitted only in very special cases at the sole discretion of the Principal/Management on payment of requisite Readmission Fee.
1.  The Institute has fully equipped labs & workshop and all equipments. However, it is obligatory for each student to provide himself the necessary tools, text books, Notebooks, Stationary and instruments of a personal nature and use.
2.  The Institute expects a high degree of discipline and decorum. It is therefore obligatory for every student to maintain perfect discipline, orderly conduct and behavior in and out of the institute, and full respect to the Teachers/Instructors.
3.  Any student/trainee indulging in any sort of indiscipline, misconduct, disorderly behavior or any type of cheating of showing any kind of disrespect to any teacher, or indulging in fighting or causing damage to Institute property, will be liable to be removed from the rolls the Institute in addition to a special fine.
4.  The Institute has no hostel accommodation available at present, and cannot take the responsibility to arrange any accommodation for the student. The Institute however will not allow any student to come late or miss class or other function on this account.
1.  The admission of the trainee is subject to the acceptance of the Director of Technical Education.   Due to any reason, in case the Directorate refuses the registration of the particulars Trainee, the admission will be cancelled automatically as he/she will have no claim on the institution.
2.  Uniform: Proper dress as prescribed time to time and shoes are a must in institution. Long hair, shabby dress, overgrown, beard are not permissible.
3.  Trainee should obey all rules and regulation framed by the Managing Committee/Governing body and incase of default Trainees are liable to be dismissed without notice and Decision of Managing Committee/Governing Body of the society will be final.
4.  Trainee will not join other course or classes.